Latest News
December 2022
Support update
Our work is supported by many generous charities and individuals, for which we are grateful.
These include: the Arnold Clark Community Fund, Lord Mayor of Birmingham's Charity, the Alan Edward Higgs Trust, the GJW Turner Trust, South Birmingham Friends Institute, the CB and HH Taylor Trust, the Harry Payne Fund, George Henry Collins Trust, AFIA, the Grimmitt Trust, George Fentham Trust, Richardson Bros, LoveBrum, Tescos Community Grants, the W A Cadbury Trust, the Saintbury Trust, Garfield Weston Foundation and Henry James Sayer Trust.
We also thank all those individuals who send cash donations or help support the Baby Bank through donations of equipment and baby goods.
Support update
Our work is supported by many generous charities and individuals, for which we are grateful.
These include: the Arnold Clark Community Fund, Lord Mayor of Birmingham's Charity, the Alan Edward Higgs Trust, the GJW Turner Trust, South Birmingham Friends Institute, the CB and HH Taylor Trust, the Harry Payne Fund, George Henry Collins Trust, AFIA, the Grimmitt Trust, George Fentham Trust, Richardson Bros, LoveBrum, Tescos Community Grants, the W A Cadbury Trust, the Saintbury Trust, Garfield Weston Foundation and Henry James Sayer Trust.
We also thank all those individuals who send cash donations or help support the Baby Bank through donations of equipment and baby goods.