Karis BabyBank

Karis BabyBank is a provision for families with newborns and infants who are facing hardship and/or crisis which means they need help with essentials for their baby. This provision is based on referrals from other organisations and groups who are well placed to assess the need and identify what items families need, this includes social workers, children’s centres, health workers and other charities.

Our focus is on supporting families in and around the Ladywood area, although we do work with referral agencies more widely where there is acute need.

We currently support well over 400 families a year through this provision.



We rely a great deal on the generous donations from people who have items they no longer need, good quality items such as cots, pushchairs, Moses baskets, baby baths, stairgates and clothing are all welcome. We also gratefully receive donations of nappies, formula and toiletries.

For more information on how to donate please visit our facebook page where we have a system for booking appointments.

Referral Agencies

If you work with families in and around the Ladywood area and would like to find out if you could be a referral agency please contact ruth.pedzai@karisneighbourscheme.org for more details.